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Check out these other Duff McKagan And Guns N' Roses related sites:

Guns N' Roses
Sites dedicated to the whole band

Appetite For Destruction

Back In Black

Bad Apples -  Unofficial Guns N' Roses Site

Civil War's Unofficial Guns N' Roses page

Dave's Guns N' Roses Page

Destruction, Lies, the Road to Illusions

Failure 2 Communicate

GN'R Bar

GN'R -"We Ain't Dead Yet...p@ge"

Guns N' Roses Audio

Guns N' Roses Bootleg Homepage

Guns N' Roses Explicit Lyrics

Guns N' Roses Knockin On Heavens Door!!!

Guns N' Roses N.I.R.

GNR Sound File Page
- Contains
RealAudio files.

Guns 'n Roses

Guns 'n Roses International Fan Club

Guns N Roses Sounds

Guns n' Roses [Rickard Martinsson]
- ( Website in Swedish and English).

Guns n' Roses Lyrics

Jonathan's GN'R Page

Lolly Zone Paradise City

Martin's Guns N' Roses Page

Rifle Totin' Florists

Ross McLellan's Guns N' Roses page

Shotgun Blues

The Garden Of Eden

The Perils of Rock n' Roll Decadence

The Ultimate Guns N' Roses page

Ultimate Guns N' Roses
- Member bio's, pictures, history, and lots more.

Welcome To The Jungle

Guns N' Roses Members
Sites dedicated to a specific member of the band

Axl Rose Web Site

W. Axl Rose

Axlette's W. Axl Rose Site

Gilby Clarke

Duff McKagan Official Site

Duff McKagan

- Dedicated to honoring the bassist for Guns N' Roses & Duff McKagan.

Duff McKagan Tribute

It's Five O'Clock (Slash)

Izzy Straldin

Izzy Stradlin @

- Guitar oriented site with many infos, pictures and sounds.

Slash's Snakepit

Slash's Snakepit - Fan Supported Page


Geffen Records

Robert John Photography

Ten Minute Warning @ Sub Pop

Disconnected: An unofficial Ten Minute Warning home page

Ultimate Band List


Susan Holmes (Duff's Wife To Be)

If you would like me to add a link to your site then please email me with the subject add a link and I'll be happy to place a link here as soon as possible, usually within 48 hours. Please add a reciprocal link back to this site from your link's page or elsewhere from your site.

Copyright 1999 Liz Noonan